Monday, May 30, 2011

May 30, 2011

Oi! The days crawl by and the weeks fly by. Ha. Craziness. Really the days have truly slowed down not knowing Portuguese, but wow, its already P-day. And yes, we did indeed have a baptism, and it was really cool. It was a mom, Carol, and her daughter Manu. They are awesome people, and they seem really happy, it was a really good experience. The gospel just makes us happier, and that's why I'm here, to help bring people unto Christ.   As for my companion, he is from Recife, Brasil, and me and him get along pretty well. We live in an apartment, that hopefully you will be able to see part of in the photo. Its the two of us, and we have a bunk bed, and kitchen area and stuff. Not at all hotel standards, but that's expected, ha. We cleaned it all out for our first P-day. Still questionable, ha. Our area is definitely down town, and the ward is my area if that helps in finding the boundaries. The food has been going good, I don't necessarily love it, but its not bad. Ill get used to it, ha. As for skinny? ha. I have lost a few pounds, but nothing really huge. As for putting everything into one suitcase, that's what I meant, ha. I combined my suitcases into one and left the other at the office with the stuff I don't need. I do miss our seminary class, amazing times. I truly loved seminary. As for Brazil, they do indeed have seminary, and its in the morning, but those that cant attend that attend one at night. As for address where i live: "Avenida 9 De Julho 1021" but that's only to look it up on google, send all letters to the mission home still. As for the area, that sounds right. Ha. And Brazilians can be super loud, and can be super quiet. Ha. My companion is "normal" to say the least. Ha. He is a good guy. We have some disagreements, but tudo bem. And yes, I have been able to teach a little in the lessons, and I have extended Baptismal invites, and we have one more date for June 12th. Its interesting cause this family has the missionaries over to teach their kids so they can decide for themselves when to be baptised. They whole rest of the family is baptised. As for working out, yup, first thing every morning. By the way, Legos are super expensive here, i was going to buy some for a lesson, and they cost 10 reais for a one little figure. Crazy! ha. So you could send me one, starwars is well know, ha, just kidding. No need. There was a really cool art on the side of a building that was all made of sticky notes, I thought that was cool. Also I have been told that we might get to skype at Christmas if that changes anything. Doubt it will change anything, but thought I would let you know. As for scriptures of the week, I choose Moroni 7:29 because miracles will never cease, just look around you. We are incredibly blessed to be in this world. And the second one to catch up is Ether 12:27. I used it as a spiritual thought, but the message is so cool. I really like it, so let us all take courage and bring our weaknesses before the Lord and make them strong. Like learning Portuguese for me. The Lord loves us all so much, and I love the Lord and am so thankful to be out serving him. This gospel is the true gospel, and it is the only way we can receive true happiness. A third scripture really hit me this week, and is Mormon 9:21. With Christs help, we truly can do anything. We just need to ask, not doubting and we will receive. I'll use that as the scripture for next week, just a little earlier. I love you all, and may you always remember how much you are blessed and how much God truly loves you. 
-Elder Tanner Paxman

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